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Useful links

Eurydice Slovenia
Eurydice Slovenia is part of the EURYDICE (The Information Network on Education in Europe). The Eurydice Network provides information on and analyses of European education systems and policies. Eurydice Slovenia prepared descriptions of the education system of Slovenia tailored for your needs.

PLOTEUS (Portal on Learning Opportunities throughout the European Space)
PLOTEUS aims to help students, job seekers, workers, parents, guidance counsellors and teachers to find out information about studying in Europe, as well as in Slovenia.

The Euroguidance network is a network of centres linking together the careers guidance systems in Europe. Euroguidance promotes mobility, helping guidance counsellors and individuals wanting to work or study in another European country to better understand the opportunities available to European citizens throughout Europe, as well as in Slovenia.

Relevant educational links in Slovenia

The National Education Institute
As a professional institute in the field of general pre-university education the National Education Institute links pedagogical theory and teaching practice. On one hand, it aims to transfer and apply theoretical achievements to teaching practice and, on the other, addresses practical questions and challenges to pedagogical theory.

Slovenian Institute for Adult Education
Slovenian Institute for Adult Education is the national institution for development, research and counseling in the field of adult education. The Institute's basic mission is to foster the culture of lifelong learning and education in Slovenia.

Centre of the Republic of Slovenia for Vocational Education and Training
The Centre of the Republic of Slovenia for Vocational Education and Training was established in 1996 as the central institution responsible for vocational education and training in Slovenia.

National Examination Centre
The activities of the National Examination Centre (NEC) are closely tied to its role as the central institution for knowledge assessment in Slovenia.

Educational Research Institute
The Educational Research Institute is the central research institution in Slovenia [for research in education] undertaking basic, research, development and applied projects on issues of current interest in all sectors of education and related areas.

Centre for Educational Policy Studies - CEPS
The Centre is active in the field of educational policy studies. It participates in national and international activities in this field, particularly in research, development and consultancy projects.

Education, Science and Culture Trade Union of Slovenia (ESTUS)
ESTUS is a trade union uniting people employed in pre-school, primary as well as secondary and the professionals employed in the higher education section. Besides pedagogues and teachers includes also administrative workers, auxiliary personnel and pensioners.

Academic and Research Network in Slovenia (ARNES)
ARNES is a public institute that provides network services to research, educational and cultural organizations.

Source: Ministry of Education and Sports

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