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How is the academic year organised?

The academic year starts in October and runs through September the following year. The winter semester starts in October and runs until mid-January, while the summer semester runs from mid-February to mid-June.

Higher vocational institutions enjoy considerable flexibility in planning and structuring their study year. Teaching activities are divided into two semesters (winter and summer) of 17 weeks each. The Rules on the Assessment of Students (2006) stipulate the obligation of higher vocational colleges to organise at least three examination periods per study year.

Courses in higher education usually run from October to the middle of June. The academic year is divided into two semesters (winter and summer) of 15 weeks each. Winter holidays, consisting of four weeks between January and February are devoted to winter term examinations. Spring examinations take place for four to five weeks between June and July, and autumn examinations, lasting four weeks, take place between the last week of August and the last week in September.

In general, there are three application periods: from February to March, in August, and in October. Please, check at your institution website the specific application dates for the study program of your choice.

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