[ 27.01.2011 ]
Prvi eTwinning Izobraževalni dogodek v letu 2011
Prvi eTwinning Izobraževalni dogodek v letu 2011 bo začel 3.2.2011. Tema dogodka bo "Varnost na spletu".
Dogodek bo potekal v angleškem jeziku in ga bo vodil g. Karl Hopwood.
Vsebina dogodka:
"This Learning Event is aimed at exploring the issues of teaching young people to be safe when using the internet, as well as exploring some of the issues around the use of images, music, and resources while remaining compliant with copyright demands etc. Useful for all teachers who use the internet in their work. The number of participants is limited to 120 and the language of communication is English".
Za vsa dodatna vprašanja smo dosegljivi na etwinning@cmepius.si.
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