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[ 10.12.2009 ]

Razpis Joiman (prispevki na temo skupnih študijskih programov), ROK: 20.1.2010

V programu ERASMUS MUNDUS Akcija 1 v celoti predstavlja so-financiranje skupnih (joint) magistrskih in doktorskih programov.

Ker tovrstni študijski programi v mnogih EU, še pogosteje pa v ne-EU državah naletijo na pravne, organizacijske in administrativne ovire, je Evropska komisija v letu 2008 v okviru programa Vseživljenjsko učenje, podprograma Erasmus, odobrila za sofinanciranje centraliziran projekt (akcija Erasmus Structural Networks) Joiman.

V okviru projekta Joiman mreže sta do 20.1.2010 odprta dva razpisa:

Razpis je odprt do 20.1.2010. Vse nadaljnje informacije in kontakte boste našli na uradni strani projekta. Izbrani prispevki bodo objavljeni, dva avtorja pa bosta povabljena k sodelovanju in predstavitvi svojih prispevkov na drugem mednarodnem seminarju o skupnih študijskih programih, ki bo potekal v Antwepnu 26.3. 2010.

Kratek opis vsebine projekta
z njihove uradne spletne strani:

"Joiman is a project financed by the European Commission under the framework of LLP/Erasmus/structural network measure and it has started in November 2008.
Starting from the existing experience of the partners involved in Erasmus Mundus projects and more generally in Joint Programmes, the aim of this project is to provide a platform in which an experienced group of partners could share knowledge and know how on the solutions found for the problems faced during the first stage of the Erasmus Mundus Programme.  Common tools or strategies will be created to support the involved Universities and other potential Higher Education Institutions in order to overcome the persisting administrative and legal difficulties in this subject.
The project will lead to the creation of common guidelines and good practice examples on the administrative issues related to Joint Degrees’ management. Future strategies will be created for exporting the issues examined to the development of joint programmes at doctoral level and with non EU partners (Asia, US, Latin America etc). The topics that will be addressed by the project are:
1.    Application, Enrolment, Selection and Certification of students career
2.    Financial sustainability of Joint Programmes
3.    Governance/Organisation/Quality in Joint Programmes
4.    Development and administration of Joint PHD Programmes
5.    Development and administration of Joint Programmes with “non UE” and “non Bologna Process” institutions« 

Vir: Joiman

Za vse nadaljnje informacije se obrnite na kontakte objavljene na uradni strani projekta Joiman mreže.

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