- ECVET seminar
- European Youth week
- Grundtvig & Leonardo Contact seminar 2011
- QALL - Qality Assurance in LifeLong Learning
- Comenius Contact seminar in Slovenia
- eTwinning Professional Development Workshop
Ljubljana, Grand Hotel Union, 25. October 2013
Slovene National Agency for LifelongLearning Programme is planning to hold a conference titled: »COOPERATION BETWEEN HEI AND BUSINESSES – WHY DO WE NEED TO COOPERATE?”. The Conference will be held in Ljubljana on October 25th 2013.
The event will bring together academics, policy makers and international experts to share experiences and good practices in the initiatives and interventions on how can Higher Education institutions develop academic programs that will give students the knowledge and skills that today’s job market demands and what can they offer them to support their preparation for the future life. Existing data and surveys show that there is a need for action by universities, employers, students and government to address both the reality and perception of the skills deficit in our graduates. In this respect we must improve the dialogue between the Education sector and the “market-place” through cooperation between Higher Education and business in order to shape the curricula and skills required for success.
The conference will be of benefit to all Higher Educational academic and professional staff (not only those directly involved in students’ career development processes), as well as policy makers and other stakeholders.


ECVET seminar
Bled, 17-18 September
Elido Bandelj, Slovenian Qualification Framework developments and ECVET
Ronald Kloeg, Your ECVET
Darko Mali, ECVET aims and key documents
European Youth week, 7-10 May 2012, Maribor
Grundtvig & Leonardo Contact seminar 2011
Adults with special needs in lifelong learning – Slovenia, Kranjska Gora, Hotel Larix, 6.-9.10.2011
Slovenian NA is organizing a contact seminar for Grundtvig and Leonardo da Vinci projects which will focus on adults with special needs.
The seminar will take place in Kranjska Gora, a lively tourist town of the Julian Alps and is open to all institutions dealing with adults with special needs.
Please find more information:


Other presentations
QALLL - Qality Assurance in LifeLong Learning
On the 24th of March 2011 MEPIUS together with the National Agency Austria organized an international conference entitled "Reaching Excellencies – 1st QALLL Conference”. The conference took place in Bled, Slovenia
QALLL is a thematic network of 14 LLP national agencies dedicated to quality assurance in lifelong learning projects. The conference being part of the network activities highlighted the quality assurance in vocational education/training and adult education. The issue of quality assurance in education in general terms has been presented by Renata Zupanc Grom from the Ministry of RS of Education and Sport. European guidelines regarding quality assurance in VET and AE have been in the plenary presented by representatives of the European Commission, namely by Sophie Weisswange and Maike Koops. The good practice of quality assurance in adult education was presented by Ruth Jermann who presented the structure which is used in Switzerland (eduQua). A view of quality assurance in vocational education and training from a national perspective of Austria was presented by Jürgen Horchinegg.
110 participants from 19 countries discussed the issues in depth in the thematic workshops dedicated to quality culture, quality cycle and quality assurance in the formal and the informal non-formal education and training. Several projects were presented as best practices in every workshop. Projects have been selected by a group of external assessors led by Maria Gutknecht Gmeiner in the beginning of the QALLL network activities. The evaluators reviewed 80 nominated projects from different countries and of these 42 were selected as examples of good practice.
During the conference so-called Project Market has been organised where projects had presented their materials. In this way the opportunity for networking was given and many of the participants made valuable contact.
Presentations and photo gallery are available here.

Education for environment - Comenius Contact seminar in Slovenia, 27.-31.10.2010
Slovenian NA is organizing a contact seminar for Comenius School partnerships which will focus on environmental education.
The seminar will take place in Portorož, a lively tourist town on the Slovenian cost and is open to head teachers and teachers from pre-primary and primary educational institutions.
Please find more information:

eTwinning Professional Development Workshop in Ptuj, 24. – 26.9.2010
Slovenian National Support Service is organizing eTwinning Professional Development Workshop: »Natural Sciences & eTwinning« which will take place in Ptuj between 24th – 26th September 2010.
Professional Development Workshops is open to natural sciences teachers who are aware of the importance of the use of ICT in the educational process and include that component in the international projects. Newcomers are welcome as well.
The workshop will be an occasion to collect ideas for new project, to meet with colleagues from Europe and to learn more about possibilities within eTwinning action.
Please find more information: