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FAQ (scholarship money, student bonus, costs in Slovenia…)

1. How and when do I get the scholarship money?
When you come to Slovenia you have to contact your mentor/coordinator who will give you your contract. After all 3 parties sign your contract the money is transferred at your host institution.( It usually takes 2 weeks.) Please ask your coordinator/mentor at your host institution how to get the money.

2. Student coupons?

Students coupons are sold at Student’s organizations, you must have your contract, Letter of award, personal ID (passport or ID card) and 2 photos.

3. Costs in Slovenia?
Slovenia is an expensive country, here are some costs:
Rent for a flat in Ljubljana: from 400€/month + expenses
Rent for a flat in Maribor: from 300€/month + expenses
Rent for a flat in Koper: from 400 €/month + expenses
Milk:  1l 0,08€ – 1,20€  , Bread:  1kg 1€ - 2,50€  , coffe:  1,20€ - 1,80€

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