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Individual pupil mobility

The Comenius Individual Pupil mobility allows primary/secondary school pupils to spend between 3 and 10 months in a host school and a host family abroad. Pupil mobilities are organised between schools involved in the same Comenius partnership. A reciprocal exchange of pupils between schools/host families is encouraged but is not compulsory.

There is only one deadline in a year – December.

Please read Guide to Comenius Individual Pupil Mobility  to find out more about Individual Pupil Mobility.

If you still have questions please consult your National Agency. At Slovene National agency we can give you more information about potential Slovene host institutions.

SHORT navigation through the Individual Pupil Mobility

The aim of the action is to offer European learning experiences to pupils, to develop their understanding of the diversity of European cultures and languages, and to help them acquire competences necessary for their personal development. This action should also be a valuable international pedagogic experience for the teachers involved in the organisation and implementation of the mobility. Furthermore, the action aims to build up sustainable cooperation between the participating schools, to enable them to recognise the studies undertaken at the partner school abroad and to strengthen the European dimension in school education.

Learning agreement

Sending and host schools are required to establish a learning agreement together with the pupil before the start of the mobility, detailing the courses to be followed during the period abroad and their outcomes. The aim of this agreement is to facilitate the recognition by the sending school of the studies the pupil carries out during the stay abroad. It is also recommended to use Europass mobility certificate.

Duration:  3 months to 1 academic year (+/- 10 months) for each pupil mobility.

Who can apply:
Schools that are currently involved or have been involved in a Comenius School Partnership, that intend to send pupil/s to host school/s abroad from that partnership, submit the application (i.e. sending schools).

How to apply:
Applications have to be sent by the sending school to its National Agency. Applications have to be endorsed by the host school. Please consult the relevant Agency website for further information.


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