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The Grundtvig programme focuses on the teaching and study needs of learners taking adult education and ‘alternative’ education courses, as well as the organisations delivering these services. It aims to help develop the adult education sector, as well as enable more people to undertake learning experiences, notably in other European countries.

Grundtvig actions:

Grundtvig   "mobility" actions enable individuals to travel abroad to take part in:

  • In-service training: enable individuals in adult education to undertake training abroad, for up to six weeks;
  • Visits and exchanges: enable individuals in adult education to visit other adult education organisations abroad, from 1 day up to 12 weeks;
  • Assistantships: enable present or future staff involved in adult education to spend in an adult organisation abroad from 12 to 45 weeks.

Organisations involved in the adult education sector from different European countries can work together in various ways through the programme:

  • Grundtvig Learning partnerships: enable co-operation of adult education organisations and exchanges of adult learners;
  • Grundtvig workshops: give an opportunity to adult learners from several countries for multinational learning experience, from 5 to 10 days.
  • Senior volunteering projects: enable senior volunteers (aged 50 and above) to work for an organisation abroad for any kind of non-profit activity from 3 to 8 weeks.

Multilateral projects and networks
These are larger-scale actions, with organisations from different countries working together to develop, promote and disseminate good practice and innovation in adult education. You can find more info about these actions here. (link na stran Exacutive agency)

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