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Why a partnership project? 

A Leonardo da Vinci Partnership is a framework for small-scale cooperation activities between organisations working in the field of vocational education and training ("VET") which will be cooperating on themes of mutual interest to the participating organisations. Projects can focus more on the active participation of trainees, while others will concentrate on the cooperation between teachers, trainers or VET-professionals. The cooperation may not only include VET schools or institutions but also enterprises, social partners or other VET stakeholders. They can cooperate at national, regional or local level, but also at sector level, such as within VET-fields or economic sectors.

The partnership should include partners from at least 3 participating countries. One of the partners must act as coordinator. It is strongly advised to indicate at application stage which of the partners volunteer to act as replacement coordinators, should the original coordinator be rejected in the selection. Particularity of this action is that each participating partner of the project applies for funding individually in its own country through its own National Agency.

Partners for a partnership project can be found by attending a contact seminar, from the list of interested Slovene organizations (available soon!) or through National agency of an individual country.

Who can participate, for how long?

The duration of the project is 2 years, from 1st of August of the year of the Call till the 31st of July 2 years later.
There is no exclusive list of eligible organisations, but the content of the activities have to be clearly VET related. A second particularity of LdV partnership is the strive towards participation of other stakeholders than just VET schools, such as enterprises, social partners, regional, local or even national decision makers.

How to apply?

The deadline for submission of partnership projects is the same in all participating countries normally once per year (in February) and announced in yearly Call for LLP. By that time, the organization should find suitable Slovene partner organization, willing to cooperate in the project, develop the project content and discuss practical matters.
The selection of 2011 projects takes place after the deadline and results of the 2011 Call for proposals should be announced in June 2011.
What can we offer you?

If you are interested in participating in Leonardo da Vinci programme, you have to contact the National agency in your country , however we can help you find a potential partner organisation in Slovenia by forwarding your details to a number of interested organisations.
If you would like our help, please forward a short description of your request (up to 250 word) and your contact details to an e-mail address:

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