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Transfer of Innovation - TOI

Why a multilateral project? 

Multilateral projects are larger-scale actions, with organisations from different countries working together to develop working practices in the vocational education and training sector. There are 4 types of multilateral projects:

  • Development of innovation" projects improve training systems by producing innovative approaches to vocational education and training such as teaching materials, courses and methodologies;
  • "Transfer of innovation" projects help to spread the most promising new developments; 
  • Thematic networks work on priority areas; 
  • Accompanying measures promote the results of other projects funded by the programme.

National agencies manage only projects of Transfer of Innovation, other types are managed by the Executive agency.

The aim of ‘Transfer of Innovation’ projects is to improve the quality and attractiveness of the European VET system by adapting and integrating innovative content or results from previous Leonardo da Vinci Projects, or from other innovative projects into public and/or private vocational training systems and companies at the national, local, regional, or sectoral level.

The process for transferring innovative training content or results will include the following:

  • Identifying and analysing targeted user requirements
  • Selecting and analysing innovative content to meet these requirements and analysing the feasibility of transfer 
  • Integrating (or certifying) it in European, national, regional, local and/or sectoral training systems and practices.

This implies:

  • Adapting it to the training systems, culture, needs and requirements of targeted users (updating the product, etc.)
  • Transferring it to new socio-cultural and linguistic contexts 
  • Using it in new sectors or new target groups, including piloting it in public or private training structures

Partners for a TOI project can be found by attending a contact seminar or through National agency of an individual country. Normally the search of partners is very targeted and organisation most likely already know each other or have previously worked already together in different projects.

Who can participate, for how long?

The duration of the project is from 12 to 24 months. The partnership to be eligible must include at least three different organisations from three different participating countries.

There is no exclusive list of eligible organisations, but the content of the activities has to be clearly VET related.

How to apply?

The deadline for submission of TOI projects is the same in all participating countries, once per year (in February) and announced in yearly Call for LLP. By that time, the coordinating organisation should find suitable Slovene partner organization, willing to cooperate in the project, develop the project content in detail and discuss practical matters. The project application has to be submitted by the coordinating organisation in its country.
The selection of 2011 projects takes place after the deadline and results of the 2011 Call for proposals should be announced in June 2011.

What can we offer you? 

If you are interested in participating in Leonardo da Vinci programme, you have to contact the National agency in your country, however we can help you find a potential partner organisation in Slovenia by forwarding your details to a number of interested organisations.

If you would like our help, please forward a short description of your request (up to 250 word) and your contact details to an e-mail address:

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