| Tema
| Država
| Kontakt
| Info
Colégio Atlântico
| - Great family/school ties; - Linking family/school events; - School involving events.
| Portugalska | colegioatlantico@live.com.pt
| Young actors
| Romunija
| ncnicoletaciobanu@gmail.com | 
Jan Matejko Junior High School
| Pollution has no borders
| Poljska
| gimzabierzow@gmail.com | 
| “One Upon A Time…”
| Ciper
| theoc@cytanet.com.cy | 
| Renewable Energy
| Ciper
| orphan7@cytanet.com.cy | 
School in Alytus
| Ecological ideas
| Litva | gintarevaskelyte@gmail.com | 
Görgey Utcai Óvoda
| Madžarska | gorgey-ovi@vipmail.hu | 
Istituto conprensivo Senigallia centro-Fagnani
| Towns and rivers: history, natural environment, art
| Italija | comenius@senigalliacentro.it | 
| Science, technology and Maths applied to real life
| Španija | antonio.cantero2@murciaeduca.es | 
Szkola Podstawowa z Oddzialami Integracyjnymi nr 17
| Poljska | tina.musial@op.pl | 
Zespół Szkół nr 2 w Garwolinie
| Poljska
| kasia.mietus@op.pl
B’ primary school of Geroskipou
| Ciper
| chrandreasp@gmail.com
| Entrepreneurship and active participation of students in school life and in the municipality
| Španija
| chicagonzalezripoll@gmail.com | 
EESPCF Lieutenant Jacquemin La Parenthese
| Bienvenue dans mon village européen | Belgija
| celineco2002@yahoo.fr | 
C.R.A. Maestro D. José Antonio Robles
| Animals for the planet
| Španija
| mcristinla@yahoo.es | 
| Making business, entrepreneurship, innovation, cultural understanding,
language, intercultural empathy, international competences, increase
employability in a globalized world
| Španija | igorostiaga@meka-elgoibar.net | 
IES Llanera
| CLE- Common Link in Europe
| Španija
| mariaivg@hotmail.com | 
| Immigration and young European students | Španija
| nomaga77@hotmail.com | 
Zespół Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych Nr 1
| Kindness every day | Poljska | mayomayo@poczta.onet.pl | 
Atatürk Primary School
| Save or Lose
| Turčija
| saveorlose@yahoo.com | 
Junior high school
| HOW DO WE CELEBRATE... ? Cultural differences
| Poljska | martachruslak@interia.pl | 
Základní škola Vítkov
| Customs and traditions
| Češka
| Andrea.Masova@seznam.cz | 
SOŠ Josefa Sousedíka Vsetín
| Intercultural Europe Experience
| Češka | matusincova.r@sosvsetin.cz | 
“Miron Costin” Technological High School
| Waterholic – a drop of water, a drop of hope
| Romunija | anamaria.agape@yahoo.fr | 
Astromeritis Primary School
| Ciper
| christianaktisti@yahoo.gr | 
Middle – Secondary School nr 2, by the name of Jan Słomka, in Tarnobrzeg
| Poljska | dwojka.comenius@gmail.com | 
Kindergarden in paphos
| Ciper | houlos@hotmail.com | 
GC School of Careers
| Critical literacy as a means of developing a more aware, tolerant and accepting European identity/citizen
| Ciper | chtoumazou@gcsc.ac.cy | 
Public Primary School of Agios Tychonas
| Culture, citizenship/diversity/multiculturalism and environmental issues
| Ciper
| unimars@yahoo.com
Osman Önal Primary School
| Fun with Math, Break your Prejudice
| Turčija
| osmanonalio@gmail.com | 
IES Comarcal
| Environmental education | Španija
| victoriacarceller@yahoo.es | 
IES “Alto de los Molinos”
| Španija
| pilarblzquezandjar770@gmail.com | 
IESO Pinar de Salomón
| Španija | beseran@yahoo.com | 
Baudilio Arce School
| A travel through the history of transportation’ (or something similar)
| Španija | mbelencc@educastur.princast.es | 
Colegio Blanca de Castilla Hijas de Jesús
| Španija | becamarre@hotmail.com | 
Ypsonas Gymnasium
| Ciper | stelioum@yahoo.com | 
Prywatne Żeńskie Gimnazjum i Liceum im.Cecylii Plater Zyberkówny
| ‘How to develop and increase the cultural awareness in ELT classroom’ ‘How to make teaching culture in ELT classroom more effective‘
| Poljska
| joanna.frackiewicz@wp.pl
Scoala gimnaziala Grigore Moisil Ulmeni
| Languages, science, ICT
| Romunija
| viforeld@gmail.com
Bayir Şehit Halil Çelik Orta Okulu
| Acquisition of key competences
| Turčija
| mehmeterkanozcan@hotmail.com
| “Earth’s Guardians”
| Italija
| eu_projects@fastwebnet.it
22nd Primary school of Limassol
| "Legends, myths, fairy tales and culture"
| Ciper
| Zoi_kaouri@yahoo.gr
Zesół Szkół nr 2 Gimnazjum nr 2 im. Królowej Jadwigi
| Saving energy
| Poljska
| bartuziirena@wp.pl
Klirou Primary School
| Traditions and customs of other countries within Europe
| Ciper
| dim.klirou.lef@schools.ac.cy | 
Tomasz Klenczar Complex of schools
| The creativity of young people, ways of motivating, the role of education and the labour market
| Poljska
| rita.mysza@gazeta.pl | 
The Military High School “Dimitrie Cantemir”
| “I know I have and I use my rights”
| Romunija | corina.barbu@yahoo.com
Gymnasium Agias Fylaxeos
| Creativity, creative writing, theatrical writing
| Ciper | aklitis@hotmail.com
Private Nilüfer Coşkun College
| To search effects of different cultures on student's behaviours at school
| Turčija
| ender0055@mynet.com | 
Zespół Szkół nr.1 Szarych Szeregów
| The History of shoe manufacturing in a small region ‘From a shoe needle to a final product’ | Poljska
| agatastrzelczyk@gazeta.pl | 
Cyprus Food and Nutrition Museum
| Ciper
| stalolaz@logosnet.cy.net | 
Zakaki Secondary School
| Ciper
| antoniouc@cytanet.com.cy | 
Liceum Ogólnokształcące im.P.Skargi w Pułtusku
| Unity in Variety
| Poljska | jolawot@wp.pl | 
The Heroes of the Battle of Bzura Lower Secondary School
| A teen’s travel agency – from a local sorrounding to the UNESCO National Heritage
| Poljska
| ak_kwiatkowska@o2.pl
Aksaray Ortaköy Anadolu Lisesi
| Culture search via Money
| Turčija | kereming@gmail.com | 
Mehmet Şükriye Sert Elementary School
| Let food be our medicine
| Turčija | mssertproje@gmail.com | 
| We all smile in the same language
| Romunija
| i_sandru@hotmail.com | 
Halkapinar Atatürk Primary/Secondary School
| Let the Cultures Speak
| Turčija | ataturkhalkapinar@gmail.com
Entre deux velles
| Artistic Creation at the crossroads of European encounters
| Francija | ce.0251376k@ac-besancon.fr |  |
College La Fraternité
| Living in the city | Belgija
| dsaintrond@skynet.be | 
Zespół Szkół Uzdrowiskowych
| Poljska
| ivem@poczta.fm | 
Budenz József Alapítványi Gimnázium
| Ageing And Declining Europe
| Madžarska
| manyiben@yahoo.com | 
Zelk Zoltán Angol és Német Kéttannyelvű Általános Iskolája
| Madžarska | szkroboani@gmail.com |  |
Fatma Emin Kutvar Anadolu Lisesi
| Intregenerational Dialogue
| Turčija | Ybozkurt43@yahoo.com | 
Colegiul national ,,Cantemir-Voda”
| Citizen in Care-land
| Romunija | alina_i_preda@yahoo.com | 
Private lstanbul Bilim Science High School
| Digital Media Devices in Language Teaching
| Turčija
| shkaratas@gmail.com | 
Základní škola a mateřská škola Bystřice 848, okr. Frýdek-Místek příspěvková organizace
| Learning Robotics
| Češka
| skola@zs-bystrice.cz
Elementary School of Yeroskipou
| Waste treatment/ alternative sources of energy/ water
| Ciper
| vickyrikkos@cytanet.com.cy | 
Pelendri Primary school
| Education for employability: development of basic skills
| Ciper
| eliamare@hotmail.com | 
Engomi B Primary School
| Ciper
| tasoula.ignatiou@cytanet.com.cy
Berufsbildende Schule Rodalben
| MOVE - Motivation on Vocational Education | Nemčija
| annett.krill@bbs-rodalben.de | 
Lycée Européen Montebello
| Gender equality
| Francija
| s.vienne@nordnet.fr | 
Gemeindeschulen Vaduz
| Teaching children with special needs on regular schools (Inclusive Schooling) | Lihtenštajn | Fesenmeier.dietmar@schulen.li | 
Obchodní akademie a Jazyková škola s právem státní jazykové zkoušky
| Economic indicators in the region
| Češka
| jana.prikrylova@oaprerov.cz | 
Zakladni skola Na rovine
| Montessori Education, Leisure Time Activities | Češka | jan.sykora@narovine.cz | 
Arany János Magyar-Angol Kéttannyelvű Általános Iskola és AMI
| Our culture
| Madžarska | egolde@freemail.hu | 
Hikmet Ulugbay Ortaokulu
| Multilateral Comenius project
| Turčija
| birselpakyurek@gmail.com | 
Gymnazium Hodonin
| European friendship | Češka | v.benesova@post.cz
Éltes Mátyás Általános Iskola
| Children with autism in the habit of water
| Madžarska | eltes.matyas@t-online.hu | 
Magyar Műhely Általános Művelődési Központ
| Madžarska | mm_amk@vipmail.hu
Talentum Iskola
| Art and Theatre
| Madžarska | kozakyvett@freemail.hu
Veres Péter Gimnázium, Szakközépiskola és Szakképző
| Noticing invisible-autists in our surroundings | Madžarska
| igazgato@verespgszbuj.sulinet.hu | 
Szondy György Általános Iskola
| 1.Social disadvantages in the school 2.Discrimination 3.Our common European history | Madžarska | zsuzsa.zabradi.@gmail.com | 
Jankay Tibor Két Tanítási Nyelvű Általános Iskola
| Computing and Web in Bilingual Education
| Madžarska | medo.istvan@gmail.com
Agios Spyridonas
| Special schools in Special Education
| Ciper
| agss@cytanet.com.cy | 
Gymnasio Risikarpasou
| Customs, recipes, way of life, culture and nature
| Ciper
| daniellacyprus@gmail.com | 
| History, sciences, arts, geography, literature
| Belgija | claudedecleve@yahoo.fr | 
Gymnázium T. G. Masaryka v Litvínově
| German language improvement | Češka
| helena.kripner@seznam.cz | 
Kayseri Girls’ Vocational High School
| Geography – Culture – Traditions – games | Turčija
| Hkn_clp3838@hotmail.com | 
Scoala Europeana "Constantin Brâncusi"
| LIFE SHOW – the role playing-game and its importance in the discovery of life sciences
| Romunija
| d_cristean@yahoo.com | 
Gimnazjum nr 3 im. Armii Krajowej
| Tolerance / The equality among people of different sexes, races and beliefs. | Poljska
| monikastelmach@poczta.fm | 
Kadinhani Ataiçil Lisesi
| Acting And Developing Verbal Arts(Oral Literature), Folklore and Culture
| Turčija | Suleyman.kececi@gmail.com
Primary School no 7
| “How to discover unity in diversity” | Poljska | jola.grabowska@interia.pl | 
DE Kossuth Lajos Gyakorló Általános Iskolája
| To get to know all forms and usage of water in science, music, culture,IT ect.
| Madžarska | farkasnepecsieva@freemail.hu | 
Sultangazi Cumhuriyet Anadolu Primary and High school
| “Tolerance”, “Colourful Europe”,” Interdisciplinary Education”
| Turčija | ahmet_firat2727@yahoo.com | 
Gymnázium Velké Meziříčí
| Student cultural exchange with emphasis on the usage of English Language | Češka
| janouskova@gvm.cz